Woodburn Vault

An easy way to buy into a diverse crypto portfolio.

Woodburn Vault Balance: 514.91 USD (803.26 AUD)
stWDBRN Token Supply: 555.70
Current Token Value: 0.93 USD (1.45 AUD)


Current Vault Contents

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1. Buy tokens

To get started buy stWDBRN tokens at the current price to buy a percent of the vault value. The buy in value is then invested in various projects in order to increase the token's value.

Send SOL or approved tokens to vault.woodburn.sol and receive stWDBRN in exchange. (Note automated swaps only happen for deposits over 1 USDC)

2. HODL and check price

Hodl your stWDBRN while the value fluctuates. Check this site to see the current value.

3. Sell your tokens

When you want to cash out just sell your tokens back to me at the current token price.

Contact to sell tokens

DeFi Positions

Type Initial Value Date bought Current Value APY Info Last Updated
Position Name $0 00/00/00 $0 0% Find out more 00/00/00


Asset APY Info Last Updated
Asset Name 0% Find out more 00/00/00